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Soul Plan Reading & Activation

A spiritual life-guidance tool. 

  • Good for: If you're looking for guidance and directions in life

  • Result: Clarity about how to lead life with clearing and activation of your hidden talents


Get a clearer sense of the challenges you are facing then and now and know what you have in you to overcome them. Learn about your life purpose and empower yourself by understanding also your major talents, goals and soul destiny (your highest potential) in this lifetime, with healing and realignment to activate your hidden talents and Divine Blueprint.  

As we gain more certainty in which direction our abilities lie, we may come to use these talents and gifts to overcome limitations and exemplify our unique version of what it means to become more truly human (our Divine Blueprint).

Blue Marsden, co-Founder of the present Soul Plan reading, Holistic Healing College

What can Soul Plan read

Your birth name

Your soul's blueprint for this life, your character (positive and negative), your talents and challenges, life's direction in terms of career path, what to watch out for in health and relationships, and your ultimate soul destiny.   


*Healing and realignment (activation) included

Other names you use

A change of name/a name that you currently use a lot other than your birth name can infuse different energies into your character and life. Of course you would want to maximise their benefits! 


*Maximum 3 names plus your birth name. A mini reading of your birth name is included.


Family, romantic relationships, colleagues, friendships etc - understand the energy dynamics affecting your relationship and know how you can transform the relationship and grow together


*Maximum 3 people's birth name in one reading. Mini reading of each is included.


If you are running a business or want to start your own, a good name can help attract the right clients, extend your positive energies into the business and may help you overcome your challenges as well!


*Maximum 3 names plus your birth name. A mini reading of your birth name is included.

If you need help coming up with suggested names, please write to enquire. 

What is Soul Plan 

Want to understand yourself better or why life is the way it is? A Soul Plan Reading and Activation looks at life from a higher (spiritual) level and can help you find your true self, understand your current life stage, discover how you can live your most fulfilled life and have your hidden talents activated. 


When our souls decided to reincarnate and come down to planet Earth to go through this human experience, we planned for this lifetime:

  • our innate talents,

  • challenges,

  • aspirations,

  • our overall purpose and

  • our highest potential.

We may not be consciously aware but Soul Plan reads them out for us.


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By having clarity in our conscious mind on how best we can live or face our life or what life lessons we are yet to get through, and knowing that we do have the armour to overcome the challenges / major obstacles or the reason why we are feeling stuck, this is when healing begins. Not only will it be easier for you to navigate and understand life, but also to be fully connected with your true nature and hence you can take aligned actions to live a happy and fulfilled life, and have a healthy mind and spirit.  The reading will also see how the energies are at play in your current life and include the activation of your Soul Plan, so that any hidden talents and positive potentials are fully activated and accessible! 


Your birth name carries the key to your Soul Plan, this is when your soul gives itself the identity in this life. The sound vibrations of the name laid down your soul's blueprint for this life, and in the reading, they will be translated into symbols and numbers which represent different energies at play in your current life - your gifts, hurdles to overcome, aspirations and soul destiny (highest potential).

Soul Plan's origin


The whole system is rooted in the ancient Hebrew gematria and derived from the 2400-years-old ancient text "Sefer Yetzirah" a.k.a. Book of Formation. In its opening, it indicated that at the beginning of the creation there were twenty-two letters (of the sacred Hebrew alphabet), sounds and words, and these are how substances are formed. This is the basis of the Soul Plan, in addition to the Star of Creation Gematria Method, symbols, their interpretations and the Numerology of Moses channelled by Dr Frank Alper (author of Exploring Atlantis).

Blue Marsden of the Holistic Healing College (The UK Complementary Medical Association registered) provided the new interpretations and additional channelled material which modernises the current system known as Soul Plan, and presented it with a non-dualistic and contemporary orientation.

How is it done & What to expect

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Your original birth name (as printed on your first birth certificate) will need to be provided at the time of booking. Your Soul Plan - in the form of the Star of Creation chart (your energy field), as pictured here - will be prepared in advance of the session. 


During the session, we will go over together:

  • your talents, challenges and goals in both the Worldly domain and the Spiritual domain

  • your Soul Destiny which is your highest potential

  • how they interact to affect your current life

  • any potential health challenges, relationship issues or career directions

  • advice and action points may be provided according to your Soul Plan

  • a Soul Plan clearing, activation and realignment healing ends the session, so that you can be realigned with your original divine blueprint, activate your hidden talents and get rid of the energetic blocks that are stopping you from living out your truest purpose. 

A typical session is roughly 75 minutes which (usually) can get up to 90 minutes, with 30-45 minutes of preparation before our meeting.  So please allow a 15-minute buffer for the session. A recording of your session along with your Soul Plan Chart (and any special soul messages) will be shared with you after (and the latter during) the session. 



  • QUESTION: If I share the same name with another person then will we have exactly the same plan for our souls?
    ANSWER: While you and another person might share the same name (and hence by calculation, the same vibrations), how you experience the vibrations can be different as not all facets of the same vibrations will be experienced by a person nor will both people develop at the same pace. Also how you regularly use your name can have an added difference. So it's like astrology, while you might share the same birth chart, how you experience as an individual of the planetary energies can have its own interpretation while the over-arching theme can be the same. As spiritual beings, we were given the individuality to experience life differently so that the universe can learn, expand and grow.

  • What this is not:
    This is unlike traditional Chinese life-reading or astrology which reads your life cycle year by year. Soul Plan (and other spiritual tools/ methodologies we offer) provides a different kind of pointers. This system does not tell you how many times you'll be married or by what age you'll need to be aware of what, but it can tell you - with your vibrations - how you can manage relationships better or which type of career might be the most suitable, by maximising your innate talents and making sound decisions to overcome your challenges (which SRT can help too) and choosing a path that can make life the most fulfilling for you. Also, it helps to activate all the talents there are for you to access and heal and clear the parts that have not been working for you too. 

What clients say about the Soul Plan

Those who have had a Soul Plan reading appreciated the clarity it provided and gave them a sense of direction with advice, and a level of comfort knowing they do have the innate talents to handle life's challenges and know where they should be heading. This is like bringing the unconscious mind conscious and giving you the courage and armour to face and handle life's challenges. This is empowerment. 

When combined with SRT... a holistic way to manage your mind, body and spirit

We would also recommend a Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) session to help clear blocks and obstacles in facing life's challenges, repeating negative patterns and opening up the access to your talents fully, as it deep-dives into your subconscious mind and reads your akashic record to precisely spell out what's been holding you back and clear your attachments to discordant energies and patterns and release your blocked potentials. This helps make meeting your life's lesson easier and more efficient, which also brings a different level of understanding about yourself and help manage your spiritual, mental, emotional and even physical health.

©2022-2024 Soul in Zenness.    Disclaimer | Privacy Policy

All services offered are not meant to replace traditional medical treatments and should be seen as complementary in nature.

Please consult licensed medical professionals when in doubt. All readings are subject to personal interpretation. 

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